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امید وارم که از بازدید خود رضایتمند باشید

How You Can Succeed in Losing Weight

Have you been trying to lose weight lately? So tell me, have you been having much success? How much have you managed to lose? If you’re serious about shedding the pounds, you should be able to answer these questions. Otherwise, you may not be taking your fitness regime seriously enough. You have to work hard to achieve decent weight loss success.

Do you watch the fitness shows on television? Maybe you’ve seen Jackie on the program called “Workout.” She’s a fitness trainer, and her job is to push her clients to maximize their success at getting fit. She’s always driving them on to achieve their workout goals. She is not content to let them take things too easy, as that would keep them from seeing results. Jackie is not a bad example of what it means to be dedicated to fitness.

You may need a personal fitness trainer to keep you motivated about working out. Not only can they encourage you while training, they can inspire you by acting as a real-life paradigm of the healthy and fit individual. Seeing a trainer’s dedication to his or her own personal fitness can infect you with the same seriousness and enthusiasm.

A trainer can also spur you on whenever you’re tempted to go easy on yourself. A fitness regime can be hard work at times, which can discourage you and get you to slow down or even quit. But a trainer will not go easy on you. If you haven’t met your weight loss goal, say, of dropping twenty to thirty pounds, then your trainer will not allow you to quit.

Outside the gym, it’s important to also eat a more balanced and healthy diet. That is a stumbling block for many people trying to lose weight. It is very hard for some people to discipline themselves over what they eat.

We may know all about eating healthy. We know that we should avoid carbohydrates, which means we should avoid too much pastry. We know that we want to consume more fruit and lean protein. But knowing these things is not enough. Your body is used to your old and unhealthy eating habits, so it can be very tough to change the way you eat now. In your case, you should consider consulting a nutritionist or dietitian. A professional can aid you in planning a healthy diet that is right for you and that you can actually enjoy.

Winning the battle of the bulge is a goal that everybody should strive for. But as in any kind of war, it’s a good idea to have some allies. Even if you decide not to hire a personal trainer or nutritionist, don’t overlook other possible resources. The Internet, for example, can connect you with a large network of people who have undergone the same struggle over losing weight. You can get advice and encouragement from online buddies and websites. Try to enlist support in any way that you can, and you can ensure that you will achieve weight loss success.

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Breathe Your Way to Fit Lungs






















We may have different beliefs and cultures about remedies and health preservation systems but we all agree that life is absolutely dependent upon the act of breathing and that man cannot be healthy unless the function of breathing is performed as Nature intended.

At birth, the infant draws a long, deep breath, instinctively retaining it to extract from the air its life-giving property; then exhales it in a long wail, and its life upon the earth begins. At the end, with the chill of death upon him, the heart of the old man flutters faintly, then in one gasp he ceases to breathe. And the life principle dependent upon that act leaves the body forever. From the first faint breath of the infant, to the last gasp of the dying man, it is one long story of continued breathing, for life is but a series of breaths.

Man may exist for a month without eating, a much shorter time without drinking, but without breathing his existence upon this earth will be measured by a few minutes. “Air is life,” and without pure air good health is impossible. Therefore keep in the open air as much as possible. See that your home is well ventilated, and sleep with your windows open. As you walk, frequently inhale deeply, filling the lungs slowly as full as possible without any feeling of dizziness. Then exhale slowly, allowing the duration of inhalation and exhalation to be about equal. Pure air charged with sunlight is the best source of the ultimate thing that makes us live – air.

As you lie in bed in the morning, with the windows open, practice this deep-breathing exercise, the same movement as in walking. The most convenient position is upon your side or back.

It must be admitted that athletes or pro¬fessional strong men are, as a rule, short lived. Consumption and pneumonia are the most fre¬quent cause of death among that class of men who, by reason of their strength and physical development, would seem to be immune from those diseases. Usually the sudden death of a noted athlete from pneumonia is attributed to dissipation after the arduous work of preparation for some athletic event or undue exertion when “out of training”. While this is often the case, it will not account for the deaths, by consumption and pneumonia, of a number of professional strong men, who were noted for their abstemious lives.

The real reason has been that their bodies were unequally exercised; the external muscles being developed to their fullest, but the lungs, being neglected, have remained in their original condition, and far inferior in their de¬velopment to the powerful external structure. In this condition any unusual strain or exposure which might not have any deleterious effect upon the strong and thoroughly seasoned external muscles, might work very serious injury to the comparatively weak and poorly-de¬veloped lungs. Like a chain which is only as strong as its weakest link, this, the weakest part of the body, suffers.

If you would be healthy, develop the body evenly. And if these exercises for the lungs are practiced as described, you need not fear pulmonary diseases.

I speak from experience, for my father died of consumption at the age of forty-two. I in¬herited weak lungs and a tendency to that dreaded disease. By these lung-strengthening exercises, I have increased the expansion of my chest from two and one-half inches to five and one-half inches, and am absolutely free from coughs, colds or any lung weakness. I strongly urge the adoption of these deep-breathing exercises, in this or any other system of training or physical culture.